Just a stay at home mom

Growing up, we saw June Cleaver as the collected stay at home mom; she had her shit together. I don't really know how I want to introduce this topic so I won't; let's get real.
Any official government form I am a homemaker; I always write this, I suppose it sounds more official. I have been made to feel over the last few years of being one, that stay at home moms are less than, the 45 hour a week working mom. Before you get angry, I am not in any way bashing you, working mama!
Over the last year we have opened multiple locations of a retail chain, I am back in school at 3/4 time the last, almost year and will be full-time from here on out. We have a very active 3 year old (who's preschooler isn't, right) and she is involved in extracurricular classes and just started 1 day a week of preschool. I am also actively chasing a very personal goal of competing in my first bodybuilding competition. I also struggle with multiple auto immune diseases and illnesses that will never be out of our lives.Then on top of all of that comes the daily struggles of consciously being married. I am 25 and I've seen so much divorce in all ages. I understand that sometimes it has to happen, for whatever reason. I'm referring to the freaking divorces that happen because the members are lazy and quit fighting. We decided that divorce cannot be in our vocabulary. If we want to be successful we will continue to work every day and love each other the absolute best that we can, that day! haha
We know that some days we give better love to our partners, than others.
In this entire rant I guess that I am getting at, being a stay at home mom is the most thankless, overlooked, ignored, and most rewarding, beautiful job I could dream of. Anybody who knows me knows that I cry. I cry a lot! As I write this I am tearing up, I want you to feel my sincerity. My throat is tight fighting the tears of working from the early morning wake up, with no breaks. The early morning wake up where I am blessed with the best gift that this World has ever seen, Ruby. I get to nourish her body with food that I make. (Totally not fighting the tears anymore, so much for my makeup!) She watches a couple shows at breakfast, I drag myself back to my computer where I will continue on my journey of a Bachelors degree. We get dressed and I get to teach her how to do it on her own, I get to teach her how to wipe her butt! haha We load up in the car and head for the gym, where I take my school books to read on the treadmill, in my glasses and ball cap. I leave my book near the paper towels while people must be pondering my glasses and books at the gym. I get my weight time in, grab my belongings , and head downstairs to retrieve my incredible daughter. The entire ride home is non stop stories, songs sung out of tune, and a zillion questions about why the world is how it is. While trying to shut off my own mind I am sure to instill more than basic answers in her day. My husband gets home from work and after about 30 minutes he says to me, "She is relentless." Of course this isn't in any angry moment; I think he says it to acknowledge how tired my swollen brain must be by this point.
When we get home from the gym it is lunch time and educational moments for her. Then it is quiet time in the chair and I make my cup of coffee (I have been told it is too early for wine) and once again begin my quest for knowledge (and anything on HSN). I will get calls throughout the day from Luke asking me to complete a random task for the store, for that day. I am so proud that he asks me to do these things and try not to let him hear my voice crack from the overwhelming amount of tasks I must complete within the next 2 hours.
I am not sharing this to get a pat on the back, my husband called me yesterday from the store and in a nutshell told me that, "Very few people see what you do, I see it and thank you. I know you're tired and I am proud to call you my wife." (There's the tears again).  His phone call sparked this post, which is something that I think about doing regularly but cannot find the time lately. My nights boil down to relaxation at about 11pm in bed with the hubs, where I try to keep my eyes propped open so we can see each other for a few before the glorious, shit storm begins in about 8 hours.
I hope that you stay at home mamas are recognized for the (tears) amazing gift you are giving your family. Your spouse leaves the house and brings home the turkey bacon, but Honey, you are creating your very own person! You are teaching this baby how to be successful in this place. We teach our babies how to care for others, speak for themselves, be strong, speak up, listen from time to time, and we are giving them the gift of our presence (which is pretty damn cool), moments that they will never forget. All of these exhausting moments, the moments that we are proud of and the ones we may not be so proud of; we will never get them back. When your baby asks you to dance in the living room and make up a song for her; never... ever say no because one day she is going to stop asking.
Next time you think about giving up, grab a cup of tea, remember who is watching, and keep moving.
With Love.


  1. You are a wonderful mama and wife, plus much, much more! Never let anyone make you question yourself, in any aspect of you life. Ll the hard work WILL pay off, and Ruby and Luke are so lucky to have you 😘❤️ -Jamie


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