Set Backs

Setting goals means making progress and having pride in whatever it is you have set out to do. In this journey to competition and certifying as a personal training/ sports nutritionist, I have had really positive experineces. But, have also dealt with set backs & the awful roller coaster of emotions that come along with that. As mothers, no, as women we are expected to fulfill societies definition of "perfect." If we dont, we aren't worthy of love, success, or happiness. I say it's time that we put an end to that. Easier said than done. It is going to start with each and every individual. I vow to do my absolute best every single day. I vow to not beat myself up about an "off" moment or day. Sometimes at the gym I feel like crap. That's okay because I tell myself there is no bad workout and it's true. I get my butt, and my 2 year olds butt to the gym 5 days a week. So if I'm tired every now & then, I'm OK with that. I vow to never compare myself to another woman again. The "comparison effect" is what I call it. Is slowly killing our race of beautiful, talented, intelligent, and capable women.  Mother or not, athlete or not, cook or not, you get the picture. We all have our own incredible strengths and they have to be let out to shine. Stop being scared. Don't be scared of what your neighbor, family, or friends will think. We only have one shot at this life. Make it mean everything that you dream of. I know I will!!


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